Moscow Metro Beautiful Architecture, Beautiful Buildings, Architecture Design, Beautiful Places, Budapest, Moscow Metro, U Bahn, Metro Station, Saint Petersburg
エレクトロラックス Electrolux FLOW A3 空気清浄機 FA31-202 GY BL GN 適応面積〜約16畳/26平方メートル
The Moscow Metro Looks Like An Underground Palace Budapest, Amazing Architecture, Architecture Design, U Bahn Station, Beautiful Places, Most Beautiful, Moscow Metro, Metro Subway, Metro System
国はロシア。荘厳華麗な装飾が施された建築物は、まるで貴族の住まう宮殿のようだ。しかし、それは地下鉄の駅舎だ。写真家デイヴィッド・バーデニーは、この国の宮殿と地下鉄駅の間にある類似性を暴き出した。 David Burdeny, U Bahn Station, Moscow Metro, Metro System, Russian Architecture, Palace Architecture, Future Photos, Africa Do Sul, Metro Station
Authorities gather in front a former Russian high school in Warsaw, Poland on 29 April, 2023. Poland on April 29, said it had seized a high school building near Moscow’s embassy in Warsaw meant for the children of diplomats, a move the Russian envoy called “illegal”. AFPPIX