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FOREIGN AFFAIRS JAPAN フォーリン・アフェアーズ・リポート-Published by FOREIGN AFFAIRS JAPAN.ヒラリー・クリントンのフェミニスト外交 ―― ドクトリンと現実の間FOREIGN AFFAIRS JAPAN フォーリン・アフェアーズ・リポート

U.S History Homestead Act 13th Amendment 14th Amendment Transcontinental Railroad Completed Industrialization Begins to Boom 15th Amendment Boss Tweed rise at Tammany Hall Telephone Invented Reconstruction Ends Jim Crow Laws Start in the South Light Bulb Invented 3rd Wave of Immigration Chinese Exclusion Act Pendleton Act Dawes Act Interstate Commerce Act Andrew Carnegie's Gospel of Wealth Chicago's Hull House Klondike Gold Rush Sherman Anti-Trust Act Influence of Sea Power Upon History How the Other Life Half Lives Homestead Steel Labor Strike Pullman Labor Strike Plessy v. Ferguson Annexation of Hawaii Spanish American War Open Door Policy Assassination of President McKinley Wright Brother's Airplane Panama Canal U.S. Construction Begins The Jungle Pure Food and Drug Act Model-T NAACP 16th Amendment Federal Reserve Act 17th Amendment Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand Trench Warfare, Poison Gas, and Machine Guns Sinking of the Lusitania National Parks System Zimmerman Telegram Russian Revolution U.S. entry into WWI Battle of Argonne Forest Armistice Woodrow Wilson’s Fourteen Points Treaty of Versailles 18th Amendment 19th Amendment President Harding's Return to Normalcy Harlem Renaissance Red Scare Teapot Dome Scandal Joseph Stalin Leads USSR Scopes "Monkey" Trial Mein Kampf published Charles Lindbergh's Trans-Atlantic Flight St. Valentine's Day Massacre Stock Market Crashes "Black Tuesday" Hoovervilles Smoot-Hawley Tariff 100,000 Banks Have Failed Agriculture Adjustment Administration(AAA) Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) Public Works Administration (PWA) Hitler appointed Chancellor of Germany Dust Bowls Social Security Administration (SSA) Rape of Nanjing Kristallnacht Hitler invades Poland German Blitzkrieg attacks Navajo Code Talkers Pearl Harbor Tuskegee Airmen Executive Order 9066 Bataan Death March Invasion of Normandy (D-Day) GI Bill Atomic bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima Victory over Japan/Pacific (VJ/VP) Day Liberation of Concentration Camps Victory in Europe (VE) Day United Nations (UN) Formed Germany Divided Nuremberg Trials Truman Doctrine Mao Zedong Established Communist Rule in China 22nd Amendment Marshall Plan Berlin Airlift Arab-Israeli War Begins NATO Formed Kim ||-Sung invades South Korea UN Forces Push North Korea to Yalu River- The border with China Chinese Forces Across Yalu and enter Korean War Ethel and Julius Rosenberg Execution Armistice Signed Hernandez v. Texas Brown v. Board of Education Ho Chi Minh Established Communist Rule in Vietnam Rosa Parks Arrested Montgomery Bus Boycott Warsaw Pact Formed Polio Vaccine Interstate Highway Act Elvis Presley First Hit Song Sputnik 1 Leave it to Beaver First Airs on TV Little Rock Nine Civil Rights Act of 1957 Kennedy versus Nixon TV Debate Chicano Mural Movement Begins Mapp v. Ohio Affirmative Action Bay of Pigs Invasion Peace Corps Formed Sam Walton Opens First Walmart Cuban Missile Crisis March on Washington Kennedy Assassinated in Dallas, Texas George Wallace Blocks University of Alabama Entrance The Feminine Mystique Gideon v. Wainwright The Great Society Escobedo v. Illinois 24th Amendment Israeli-Palestine Conflict Begins Gulf of Tonkin Resolution Civil Right Act of 1964 United Farm Worker’s California Delano Grape Strike Malcom X Assassinated Voting Right of 1965 Miranda v. Arizona Six Day War Thurgood Marshall Appointed to Supreme Court • Martin Luther King Jr. Assassinated Tet Offensive My Lai Massacre Tinker v. Des Moines Draft Lottery Manson Family Murders Apollo 11 Vietnamization Woodstock Music Festival Kent State Shootings Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Invasion of Cambodia 26th Amendment Pentagon Papers Policy of Détente Begins Nixon Visits China Title IX • Watergate Scandal Roe v. Wade Engaged Species Act OPEC Oil Embargo War Powers Resolution First Cell-Phones Ford Pardons Nixon United States v. Nixon Bill Gates Starts Microsoft National Rifle Associate (NRA) Lobbying Begins Fall of Saigon Steve Jobs Starts Apple Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 Camp David Accords Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty Conservative Resurgence Sandra Day O’Connor Appointed to U.S. Supreme Court “Trickle Down Economics” War on Drugs AIDS Epidemic Marines in Lebanon Iran-Contra Affair The Oprah Winfrey Show First Airs “Mr. Gorbachev, Tear Down This Wall!” End of Cold War Berlin Wall Falls Germany Reunification Iraq Invades Kuwait Soviet Union Collapses Operation Desert Storm Ms. Adcox Born Rodney King NAFTA Founded Contract with America O.J. Simpson's "Trial of the Century" Bill Clinton's Impeachment USA Patriot Act 9/11 (September 11, 2001) War on Terror MY BIRTHDAY!!!! NASA Mars Rover Mission Begins Facebook Launched Hurricane Katrina Saddam Hussein Executed Iphone Released Sonia Sotomayor Appointed to U.S. Supreme Court American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Hillary Clinton Appointed to U.S. Secretary of State Arab Spring Osama Bin Laden Killed SpaceX Falcon 9 Donald Trump Elected President