Dwayne Goettel, Skinny Puppy (such a sweet picture of Dwayne) Skinny Puppy, Young Lad, Thing 1, Club Kids, Movie Poster Art, Ogre, Music Is Life, Queer, The Cure
Pro-testAboutGenius is the world’s biggest collection of song lyrics and musical knowledge
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Skinny Puppy - not for the faint of heart... Kurt Cobain Dress, Gene Loves Jezebel, Moda Punk, Modern Goth, Peter Murphy, Skinny Puppy, Goth Bands, Canadian Boys, Punk Scene
The Canadian industrial music group Skinny Puppy performs a live concert at Amager Bio in Copenhagen. Here guitarist Matthew Setzer is seen live on stage. Denmark, 12/06 2017.
Skinny Puppy fans, attention! Massive reissue campaign for Download (Skinny Puppy’s Cevin Key) and Phil Western on ltd ed. coloured vinyl – pre-orders available now