Sodom and Gomorrah - white sulphur vs. natural sulphur - "WHITE color indicates it has been COOKED". These white balls can still be found today in the S&G area. Place in a metal spoon, light it, and it will burn through the spoon! Flavio Josefo, Genesis 19, Archaeological Finds, Messianic, Bible Truth, Jehovah's Witnesses, Old Testament, Torah, Before Us
Jewish History, Ancient History, Sodom And Gomorrah Bible, Arte Judaica, Ancient Israel, Old And New Testament, World Religions, Places Of Interest, Holy Land
Sodom - Sodom
[Music] Dorian Electra – Sodom & Gomorrah
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Protecting Your Babies In Sodom
Apple of Sodom: declared pest
City of Sodom destroyed with fire and brimstone; only Lot and 2 daughters escaped