The Voice of Master-Planned Experience: Q&A with Ted Nelson, President of Newland Communities
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Ted Nelson & Douglas Engelbart Ted, Ethnography, Holm, Document, Computer, Apple, Question, Book Cover, Computer Science
Real estate blog profiles Newland Communities’ “voice of master-planned experience”
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2018 Ted Nelson Invitational
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Story Poster
Two women, who declined to give their names, comfort each other, Monday, Nov. 30, 2009, as they visit a memorial at the Lakewood Police headquarters in Lakewood, Wash. Four Lakewood Police officers were fatally shot Sunday morning as they sat in a coffee shop in Parkland, Wash. (AP Photo/Ted S. Warren)
Bayan Muna mulls MR on SC decision ruling out refunds to Maynilad and Manila Water customers
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