デュエルマスターズ 新2弾 DMRP-02 S3 SR 王家の精霊 ネメス・テーベ 「デュエル・マスターズ 新2弾 マジでB・A・Dなラビリンス!!」
Where is Thebes
Egypt, Upper Egypt, Nile valley, surroundings of Luxor, west Thebes, Valley of Craftsmen, Deir el-Medineh village, Deir el-Medineh Necropolis, Pashedu tomb, Deir el-Medineh village, Deir el-Medineh Necropolis, Inherkha's tomb
Egypt, Upper Egypt, Nile valley, surroundings of Luxor, west Thebes, Thebes Necropolis listed as World Heritage by UNESCO, western area, Valley of the queens, inside the tomb of Nefertari
Egypt, Upper Egypt, Nile valley, surroundings of Luxor, west Thebes, Thebes Necropolis listed as World Heritage by UNESCO, western area, Valley of the kings, inside the Tomb of Tausert and Seth-Nakht, KV14