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Profile: Peter Snell     b. 1938   Few runners have made such a dramatic impact on the international scene. Peter Snell stunned the running world in 1960 when he won the Olympic 800. He had been lucky to have made the New Zealand team in the first place, and then to have got throug... Event Photos, 2 Photos, Couple Photos, Long Distance Running, Paralympic Games, Star Wars, Commonwealth Games, Winter Games, Sports Games

Profile: Peter Snell     b. 1938   Few runners have made such a dramatic impact on the international scene. Peter Snell stunned the running world in 1960 when he won the Olympic 800. He had been lucky to have made the New Zealand team in the first place, and then to have got throug... Event Photos, 2 Photos, Couple Photos, Long Distance Running, Paralympic Games, Star Wars, Commonwealth Games, Winter Games, Sports Games

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