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Stair na hÉireann | History of Ireland#OTD in 1649 – Sack of Wexford: After a ten-day siege, New Model Army troops (under Oliver Cromwell) stormed the town of Wexford, killing over 2,000 Irish Confederate troops and 1,500 civilians.
The 10 Most Important Events in British History: Part Two – 1500 AD to the Present Day 1. 1659 – The Failure of the Commonwealth2. 1688 – The Glorious Revolution3. 1707 – The Act of Union4. 1807 – The Slave Trade Act5. 1815 – The Battle of Waterloo6. 1855 – The Bessemer Process7. 1914 – 1918 – The First World War8. 1939 – 1945 – The Second World War9. 1945 – The Foundation of the Welfare State10. 1997 – The Election of New Labour