トーマス・サドスキーのインスタグラム(thomas_sadoski) - 9月21日 04時37分In the midst of all of this awfulness I want to take a moment to recognize the beauty of @jazzy_joness and her pops @cephasjaz both winning Emmy awards this year. The first time that has happened in HISTORY.I met both of these extraordinary artists 11 years ago and I have just stood in awe of what they create ever since. To be an actor only takes you saying that you’re an actor; but to be an artist, a craftsperson, that requires not only inherent talent but tremendous dedication and focus and untiring work.These two artists show-the-fuck-up. They are humble, generous, gracious and intelligent artists and they are two of the most genuine and decent humans I have the pleasure of knowing.Let’s take a moment to celebrate them.[BIHAKUEN]UVシールド(UVShield)>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する
Google新本社の設計もするトーマス・ヘザーウィックによる最新作。NYC・ハドソン・ヤード再開発プロジェクトで16階建てのハニカム形状の塔をデザイン。総工費は約150億円 image by Forbes Massie Amazing Architecture, Art And Architecture, Scarpa Architecture, Library Architecture, Parametric Architecture, Architecture Wallpaper, London Architecture, Contemporary Architecture, Thomas Heatherwick
Dominic Wilcox Wilcox, Motion, Workshop, Atelier, Work Shop Garage