PARLEY Dawn Wright: Rolling in the Deep We speak to the history-making scientist about interconnectivity, the darkness of Challenger Deep, and the light she sees in the world"We saw tiny creatures that do live down there such as the anemones and the sea cucumbers, the little arthropods, these little creatures that can withstand the 16,000 pounds per square inch of pressure, living in complete darkness. Those small, seemingly insignificant creatures, along with insignificant me and my colleague Victor making it all possible, are part of our little community. We are part of it too, we are part of the totality of life on this planet and, pivoting to broader thoughts about life on the planet and the miracle that is life on this planet, we all matter and we're all interconnected."Learn more Please reach out to us if you want to join the movement, start your own initiative or collaboration project, or just want to learn more about it.
Dawn Approach was on fine form at Newmarket in May
Dawn Approach : un champion pas si cher, tout compte fait !
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