Nile Ranger has been caught up in controversy off the pitch throughout his football career
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Troubled: Nile Ranger leaves Newcastle Magistrates Court today after admitting assaulting his girlfriend
Nile Ranger: Southend United were unaware of striker's charge
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Nile Ranger trial: 'I'm know I'm not a rapist', says accused footballerThank you for subscribing!
Footballer Nile Ranger's car taken as police arrested him over drink-driving suspicions
Unbelievable – Nile Ranger set to get yet ANOTHER chance in football – Confirmed by managerPost navigation
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Nile Ranger: Southend United striker faces club suspension after 'breach of discipline'
Accused: Nile Ranger claims that his alleged victim consented to sex in his hotel room
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Nile Ranger: Ex-Premier League footballer released early from jail
Footballer Nile Ranger charged with fraud and money laundering
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Nile Ranger blows chance at being NUFC starThank you for subscribing!
Notts County boss Kevin Nolan has discussed signing striker Nile Ranger, but says any move would need unanimous backingThank you for subscribing!
Nile Ranger given 12-month community order for common assaultThank you for subscribing!
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The 10 Worst Footballer Tattoos In The World: With Italians Including Mario Balotelli Dominating The List
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We all know Nile can barely smell thioacetone, but can he smell the selenium analog SELENOACETONE?
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