Nuremberg Rally, Nuremberg Trials, World History, World War Ii, Socialist Party Usa, History Of Germany, History Taking, Germany Ww2, Wrestling
18/3/5 フルフォード情報英語版:ニュルンベルク裁判その2が迫る中、カバールは最終局面へ
American Major Frank B. Wallis (standing), a member of the trial counsel and trial preparation legal staff, presents the prosecution's case to the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg. A chart (top left) shows where the defendants (bottom left) fit into the organizational scheme of the Nazi Party. At right are lawyers for the four prosecuting countries.
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2019-10-19 12.43.45
「人道に対する罪」の誕生 : ニュルンベルク裁判の成立をめぐって <白鴎大学法政策研究所叢書 3>
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Paulina Reizi (@PaulinaReizi) | Twitter Nuremberg Trials, Chinese Films, Terabyte, Film Archive, It's Meant To Be, Taboo, Celluloid, Historian, Happy New