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Judy Garland receiving the Cecil B. DeMille Award (with Henry Wilcoxon) at the 1962 Golden Globes. She previously won for best actress in 1955 for A Star is Born. Golden Globe Award, Golden Globes, Golden Age, Judy Garland, Vintage Hollywood, Hollywood Party, Hollywood Legends, Classic Hollywood, Jack Warner

Judy Garland receiving the Cecil B. DeMille Award (with Henry Wilcoxon) at the 1962 Golden Globes. She previously won for best actress in 1955 for A Star is Born. Golden Globe Award, Golden Globes, Golden Age, Judy Garland, Vintage Hollywood, Hollywood Party, Hollywood Legends, Classic Hollywood, Jack Warner

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Color Mania. The Material of Color in Photography and Film						Handschiegl / DeMille-Wyckoff / Wyckoff Process

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Color Mania. The Material of Color in Photography and Film						Handschiegl / DeMille-Wyckoff / Wyckoff Process

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