Artist Rob Gonsalves was born in Toronto, Canada in 1959. During his childhood, he developed an interest in drawing from imagination using various media. By age twelve, his awareness of architecture grew as he learned perspective techniques and began to do his first paintings and renderings of imagined buildings. Amazing Optical Illusions, Optical Illusion Paintings, Magic Illusions, Canadian Painters, Canadian Artists, Surrealism Painting, Art Painting, Robert Gonsalves, Magic Realism
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Het-magische-realisme-van-Rob-Gonsalves-9 Amazing Optical Illusions, Optical Illusion Paintings, Illusion Kunst, Illusion Art, Robert Gonsalves, Street Art, Use Your Illusion, Fantasy Kunst, Canadian Painters
エリー・ゴンサルヴェスさんのインスタグラム写真 - (エリー・ゴンサルヴェスInstagram)「such an amazing night celebrating love back at @laluna.beachclub where we got married, so honored to be your cover couple @weddedwonderland 🤍 swipe for more 💍 @wendy_elkhoury cover @laurenschulzvisuals wearing dress of my dreams @khirzadfemme @styledbybloom_ @alysiabridgerevents @dianekhouryweddingsandevents」6月9日 5時34分 - ellie_gonsalves