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First post, and “first” game of Deadball. Ran a couple games before but never felt sure I was interpreting the rules correctly. At any rate, it was a good time. Hope to learn more about the game and maybe get some two-player sessions going in the future!        Log In      Enter the 6-digit code from your authenticator app      Enter a 6-digit backup code      Sign Up      Verify your email      Create your username and password      Sign Up      Verify your email      Create your username and password      Reset your password      Check your inbox      Choose a Reddit account to continue      Reset your password

First post, and “first” game of Deadball. Ran a couple games before but never felt sure I was interpreting the rules correctly. At any rate, it was a good time. Hope to learn more about the game and maybe get some two-player sessions going in the future! Log In Enter the 6-digit code from your authenticator app Enter a 6-digit backup code Sign Up Verify your email Create your username and password Sign Up Verify your email Create your username and password Reset your password Check your inbox Choose a Reddit account to continue Reset your password

the joy of sox

the joy of sox

How a Baseball Pitch Calling System Boosts Player Performance			Connect

How a Baseball Pitch Calling System Boosts Player Performance Connect

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the blue heart's logo is shown in black and white

the blue heart's logo is shown in black and white

Morgan G. Bulkeley is the only Civil War veteran in the National Baseball Hall of Fame. He was a private in the 13th New York State Militia Heavy Artillery. He went on to form the Hartford Dark Blues and become the National League’s first president.        Log In      Enter the 6-digit code from your authenticator app      Enter a 6-digit backup code      Sign Up      Verify your email      Create your username and password      Sign Up      Verify your email      Create your username and password      Reset your password      Check your inbox      Choose a Reddit account to continue      Reset your password

Morgan G. Bulkeley is the only Civil War veteran in the National Baseball Hall of Fame. He was a private in the 13th New York State Militia Heavy Artillery. He went on to form the Hartford Dark Blues and become the National League’s first president. Log In Enter the 6-digit code from your authenticator app Enter a 6-digit backup code Sign Up Verify your email Create your username and password Sign Up Verify your email Create your username and password Reset your password Check your inbox Choose a Reddit account to continue Reset your password



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Punk Rock

Punk Rock

6 Scenes We Love From ‘Point Break’

6 Scenes We Love From ‘Point Break’

Vintage 1870s Catalog Shows Amazing Old Baseball Uniforms

Vintage 1870s Catalog Shows Amazing Old Baseball Uniforms

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