Om Sai Ram Today people talk harsh words which hurt the feelings of others. If you see inappropriate sights listen to bad talk and indulge in unholy activities you are investing time in activities which ultimately ruin you. When you misuse your senses how can you expect to be happy and healthy? In order to enjoy perfect health you must make sacred use of your senses. You may be a pauper or a millionaire but God has given each one of you five senses and a heart (hridaya). Make proper use of them Photo Facts, Harsh Words, Omnipresent, Paupers, Become A Millionaire
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Sathya Sai Baba Biography
コットンリネンラミー天竺のパンツ股ぐりの深いバルーンシルエットのパンツ。ドレープの良い生地を使ったやわらかなシルエット。¥30,000+taxPhotograph by Isao Hashinoki