【英語・サンスクリット洋書】 Laugākṣi Bhāskaraのニヤーヤ・ヴァイシェーシカ学派体系マニュアル「タルカカウムディ」 『The Tarkakaumudī (a manual on Nyāya-Vaiśeṣika system) of Laugākṣibhāskara』 <Chaukhamba Amarabharati studies> 1st ed
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【送料無料】YASAI シャンプー750ml or ヘアパック600g 大容量タイプ(専用読本付き)通常よりも3倍容量でお得なサイズココナッツ由来最高級洗浄成分配合TAMA Yasai…
師子堂日寅の気まぐれインド哲学 第23回ヒンドゥーの神々②
What is Brahman? What is its relationship to Atman? What is an individual’s place in the cosmos? Is a personalised god and ritualistic worship the only path to attain moksha? Does caste matter when a human is engaging with the metaphysical world? The answers to these perennial questions sparkle with clarity in this seminal account of a man and a saint, who revived Hinduism and gave to Upanishadic insights a rigorously structured and sublimely appealing philosophy.Jagad Guru Adi Shankaracharya (7 Jawaharlal Nehru University, Organizational Structure, Great Thinkers, Quantum Physics, Bestselling Books, India Art, Way Of Life, Hinduism, Anthology
How a 1980s TV soap did the spadework for Hindu nationalism
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A woman walks near the Hindu temple in London's Southall district on Tuesday, September 13, 2022. At a church in an area of west London known locally as Little India, a book of condolences for the Queen Elizabeth II is open. Five days after the monarch's death, few have signed their names. The 300-strong congregation is made up largely of the South Asian diaspora, as the majority of the estimated 70,000 people live in the Southall district, a community nestled in the outer reaches of London and built on waves of migration that have span 100 years. (AP Photo/Kin Cheung)
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