【英語・サンスクリット洋書】 Laugākṣi Bhāskaraのニヤーヤ・ヴァイシェーシカ学派体系マニュアル「タルカカウムディ」 『The Tarkakaumudī (a manual on Nyāya-Vaiśeṣika system) of Laugākṣibhāskara』 <Chaukhamba Amarabharati studies> 1st ed
What is Brahman? What is its relationship to Atman? What is an individual’s place in the cosmos? Is a personalised god and ritualistic worship the only path to attain moksha? Does caste matter when a human is engaging with the metaphysical world? The answers to these perennial questions sparkle with clarity in this seminal account of a man and a saint, who revived Hinduism and gave to Upanishadic insights a rigorously structured and sublimely appealing philosophy.Jagad Guru Adi Shankaracharya (7 Jawaharlal Nehru University, Organizational Structure, Great Thinkers, Quantum Physics, Bestselling Books, India Art, Way Of Life, Hinduism, Anthology