Yankees offer arbitration to pitcher Freddy Garcia
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Yankees vs. Blue Jays: Freddy Garcia falters in 7-1 loss to Toronto
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Should Freddy Garcia lose his spot in the starting rotation?
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Freddy Garcia of the New York Yankees pitches against the Seattle Mariners at Yankee Stadium on August 5, 2012 in the Bronx borough of New York City. (Photo by Jim McIsaac/Getty Images)
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MLB Trade Deadline 2012: Why the New York Yankees Should Deal Freddy Garcia
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Freddy García: "El triunfo es mérito de los muchachos que supieron levantarse tras recibir el primer gol en contra"
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Baltimore Orioles v New York Yankees
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Freddy Garcia and his 12.51 ERA have been banished to the bullped by the New York Yankees. (Photo by Christopher Pasatieri/Getty Images)
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Freddy Garcia could be back in Yankees rotation by the weekend
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El ex ligamayorista Freddy García llega a Leones
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"The Chief" - Freddy Garcia, #Mariners Starting Pitcher, 1999-2004 Mariners Baseball, Seattle Mariners, Gus Williams, Fantasy News, Seattle Sports, Ken Griffey Jr., Play Ball, Major League, Pilots
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Freddy Garcia, lanzador ganador para Venezuela.
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Veteran pitcher Freddy Garcia signs with professional team in Taiwan
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Freddy Garcia, Seattle Mariners. Seattle Mariners pitcher Freddy Garcia signs an autograph before the game. . (Image taken from color slide.)
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2002 Topps Heritage #427 Freddy Garcia Mariners NM-MT (SP - Short Print)
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Freddy Garcia, Seattle Mariners. Seattle Mariners pitcher Freddy Garcia. (Image taken from color slide.)
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Bradley: For Yankees, Freddy Garcia is the best option for No. 3 starter
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Ceuta DeportivaEl ceutí Freddy García, quinto en el Campeonato de España de culturismo naturalPublicidadOpiniónLa Copa mola: ¡visca el Ceuta!Juanma Navas, por siemprePublicidadFacebookTwitter
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Orioles vs. Yankees: Freddy Garcia proves to be too much for Baltimore to handle
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Freddie Mercury Never Discussed His Sexuality with His Parents, According to Mom Jer Bulsara
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Freddy Rodriguez in-person autographed photo
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Five Nights at Freddy's - Circus Freddy Pop! Vinyl Figure
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Bethlehem Catholic High School’s Freddy production of ‘Cinderella’ | PHOTOS
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