Joliot-Curie, Frédéric and Irène Frederic, Nobel Prize Winners, Women Scientists, Marie Curie, Stamp Collecting, Postage Stamps, Irene, Famous People, Community
Dr. Frederick Sanger, two time winner of the Nobel Prize in chemistry (1958 and 1980), standing next to a model of insulin. Nobel Prize In Chemistry, Linus Pauling, Genome Project, Human Genome, Marie Curie, Diabetes Treatment, Insulin
Has fashion forgotten the true meaning – and role – of a muse? Not at The Museum at FIT | The Globe & the Mail | #ProustsMuse Institut Curie, Charles Frederick Worth, Marcel Proust, Galliera, Renaissance Fair, Liberty Of London, Countess, Marie Antoinette, Style Icon
Frederick Joliot and his wife, Irene Curie, were collaborative physicists. They shared the 1935 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for their synthesis of new radioactive elements. James Lebenthal photo ca. 1940s. - (BSLOC 2015 1 77)
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