Toyota has started to research AI-based car design using the generative artificial intelligence technique developed by the Toyota Research Institute (TRI)The company said that designers can leverage publicly available text-to-image generative AI tools as an early step in their creative processUsing TRI’s new technique, designers can add initial design sketches and engineering constraints into this process, cutting down the iterations needed to reconcile design and engineering considerationsGenerative AI tools are often used as inspiration for designers, but cannot handle the complex engineering and safety considerations that go into actual car design,” Avinash Balachandran, director of TRI’s Human HID Division, said“This technique combines Toyota’s traditional engineering strengths with the state-of-the-art capabilities of modern generative AI,” he addedThe team concentrated on aerodynamic drag in their research paper. The method can also be used to optimise any other performance metrics or constraints derived from a design imageMeanwhile, Toyota is planning an EV (electric vehicle) powered by a solid-state battery that would have a range of nearly 1,200 km (750 miles) and a charge time of only 10 minutesElon Musk-run Tesla Superchargers give about 200 miles of charge in 15 minutes
NAIL DE DANCE ネイルデダンス パウダー 001 コサックホワイト 20g
トヨタ・リサーチ・インスティテュート・ アドバンスト・デベロップメント株式会社
Toyota Research Institute(TRI)・外観
ネイルアクリル SPACE NAIL スペースネイル スペースキャストポリマー ナチュラル 30g
Toyota Research Institute
Το ΜΙΤ προσπαθεί να μάθει τα αυτόνομα οχήματα να αλλάζουν λωρίδες σαν άνθρωποι
混乱を招く 「自動運転レベル」、 トヨタ研究所(TRI)のCEOが指摘!
KOSE(コーセー) NAIL HOLIC (ネイルホリック) クイックドライ オイルDLPB−NHクイックドライオイル 5mL×1個 ネイルカラー