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Images of ホークガール



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Annya's Workshop

Annya's Workshop

Lunamaria Hawke (ルナマリア・ホーク Runamaria Hōku) is an elite ZAFT MS pilot (red ace) who serves aboard the Minerva. Lunamaria is a 17 year old Coordinator from the PLANTS, & her MS of choice is a ZGMF-1000 Zaku Warrior. Gundam Toys, Gundam Art, Manga Girl, Edge Of Tomorrow, Gundam Build Fighters, Gundam Mobile Suit, Anime Stars, Gundam Wallpapers, Costumes

Lunamaria Hawke (ルナマリア・ホーク Runamaria Hōku) is an elite ZAFT MS pilot (red ace) who serves aboard the Minerva. Lunamaria is a 17 year old Coordinator from the PLANTS, & her MS of choice is a ZGMF-1000 Zaku Warrior. Gundam Toys, Gundam Art, Manga Girl, Edge Of Tomorrow, Gundam Build Fighters, Gundam Mobile Suit, Anime Stars, Gundam Wallpapers, Costumes

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Hawk Girl

Hawk Girl

Kotaro's blog  【レジェンド・オブ・トゥモロー】シーズン1のメンバー紹介【初期メンバー】

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  • ガール
  • ホーク