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"Today in 1839 Shere Punjab Maharaja Ranjit Singh passed away, with him ended the greatest rule for equality and prosperity in the Indian sub continent" - Jas Singh
村松 茂
マハラジャ(Maharaja) - 住道(インドカレー)
マハラジャの天文台ジャンタル・マンタル (Jantar Mantar・世界遺産)
Ilustración vectorial del feliz día de maharashtra con gateway of india shivaji maharaja asaltando caballos
https://flic.kr/p/umXoco | MAHARAJA OF PATIALA Turbans, Old Pictures, Colorful Pictures, Indiana, Indian Prince, Royal Indian, History Of India, Vintage India, Aesthetic Indie
The Maharaja of Kapurthala wearing his Cartier turban Ornament in a painting by Marcel Baschet. C.1926 George Vi, Prince Albert, Elizabeth Ii, King Of India, Hyderabad, Costume Ethnique, Reine Victoria, Royal Indian, Nostalgic Images