Archduke Gottfried of Austria -Tuscany (1902 - 1984); He was the eldest child of Archduke Peter Ferdinand of Austria- Tuscany. Archduke Gottfried succeeded his father as head of the House of Habsburg-Tuscany Habsburg Austria, Two Sicilies, Archduke, Grand Duke, Ferdinand, Reyes, Tuscany, Bourbon, Portugal
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アサヒ スタイルフリー 〈生〉 缶(350ml*48本セット)【アサヒ スタイルフリー】
カール フォン エスターライヒ像 Reiterstandbild Erzherzog Karl
直球洋館 ヴェッティン朝
La Infanta Eulalia de España Royal Queen, King Queen, Royal Tea, Bourbon, Spanish Royalty, European Dress, Spanish Royal Family, Isabel Ii, Antique Images
Archduke Franz Josef of Austria, Prince of Tuscany (1905 – 1975) Archduke, Austrian Empire, Grand Duke, Parma, Monarchy, Reyes, Hungary, Tuscany, Bourbon