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Rik Mayall (RIP) is Mickey Love, host of the show Family Values, which he thinks is about to be axed..... Rik Mayall, Mickey Love, Peter Capaldi, Family Values, Doctor Who, A Good Man, Ripped, Company, Guys
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1953 Oscars: Shirley Booth, Best Actress 1952 for "Come Back Little Sheba" Old Hollywood Stars, Hollywood Icons, Hollywood Legends, Golden Age Of Hollywood, Vintage Hollywood, Classic Hollywood, Academy Award Winners, Oscar Winners, Academy Awards
Hazel -- they don't make shows like this any more, ones the whole family could… 70s Tv Shows, Great Tv Shows, Movies And Tv Shows, Hazel Tv Show, Favorite Tv Shows, Favorite Movies, Greatest Movies, Shirley Booth, Tv Show House
When Stars Were Stars
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Shirley Booth
Hazel (still enjoy this tv show when I catch it in reruns on Antenna-TV) Hazel Tv Show, Sweet Memories, Childhood Memories, Shirley Booth, Childhood Tv Shows, I Remember When, Remeber, Tv Land, Old Tv Shows