BPM & Key of ゴー・トゥ・大都会 (feat. GUMI) by 月裏, ニャン・トンロンBPM & Key of ゴー・トゥ・大都会 (feat. GUMI) by 月裏, ニャン・トンロン
В Риге пройдет бойцовский турнир Ghetto Fight
Jews captured during the suppression of the Warsaw ghetto uprising are marched to the Umschlagplatz for deportation. The original German caption reads: "To the Umschlagplatz." The woman at the head of the column, on the left, is Yehudit Neyer (born Tolub). She is holding onto the right arm of her mother-in-law. The child is the daughter of Yehudit and her father, Avraham Neyer, a member of the Bund, who can be seen just behind the little girl. Of the four, only Avraham survived the war. He currently lives in Israel.The original caption from donated photograph reads, "The following pictures are copies of the book containing the report of the German commander who was responsible for cleaning out the ghetto in Warsaw, Poland. This report, in the form of a leather bound book, was presented as evidence by the U.S. prosecutino, Maj. Frank Walsh, at the International tribunal trials at Nurnnberg, Germany."
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