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Images of レスリー・フィリップス

Britain's Prince Charles chats with actor Leslie Philips at the Royal Shakespeare Company's gala fund raising dinner for their 'Complete Works Festival', in London, on May 17, 2006. Leslie Phillips, the British actor best known for his roles in the bawdy “Carry On” comedies and as the voice of the Sorting Hat in the “Harry Potter” movies, has died. He was 98. His agent Jonathan Lloyd confirmed Tuesday that Phillips died “peacefully at home” on Monday. (Stefan Rousseau/Pool Photo via AP)

Britain's Prince Charles chats with actor Leslie Philips at the Royal Shakespeare Company's gala fund raising dinner for their 'Complete Works Festival', in London, on May 17, 2006. Leslie Phillips, the British actor best known for his roles in the bawdy “Carry On” comedies and as the voice of the Sorting Hat in the “Harry Potter” movies, has died. He was 98. His agent Jonathan Lloyd confirmed Tuesday that Phillips died “peacefully at home” on Monday. (Stefan Rousseau/Pool Photo via AP)

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Leslie Phillips

Leslie Phillips

89 year old Leslie Philips seen arriving with his bride Zara Carr, who is about half his age, at a church near their home for the marriage to be blessed.  Featuring: Leslie Philips,Zara Carr Where: London, United Kingdom When: 20 Dec 2013

89 year old Leslie Philips seen arriving with his bride Zara Carr, who is about half his age, at a church near their home for the marriage to be blessed. Featuring: Leslie Philips,Zara Carr Where: London, United Kingdom When: 20 Dec 2013

89 year old Leslie Philips seen arriving with his bride Zara Carr, who is about half his age, at a church near their home for the marriage to be blessed.  Featuring: Leslie Philips,Zara Carr Where: London, United Kingdom When: 20 Dec 2013

89 year old Leslie Philips seen arriving with his bride Zara Carr, who is about half his age, at a church near their home for the marriage to be blessed. Featuring: Leslie Philips,Zara Carr Where: London, United Kingdom When: 20 Dec 2013

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Joan sims and Leslie Philips British Comedy, Celluloid, Leslie, Philips, Joan, Sims, Carry On, Legend, Couple Photos

Joan sims and Leslie Philips British Comedy, Celluloid, Leslie, Philips, Joan, Sims, Carry On, Legend, Couple Photos

Gallery Mothers & Sons Mariana Cook Robin williams, Robin

Gallery Mothers & Sons Mariana Cook Robin williams, Robin

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Carry On star Leslie Phillips suffered stroke

Carry On star Leslie Phillips suffered stroke

Leslie phillips and zara carr Stock Photos and Images

Leslie phillips and zara carr Stock Photos and Images

89 year old Leslie Philips seen arriving with his bride Zara Carr, who is about half his age, at a church near their home for the marriage to be blessed.  Featuring: Leslie Philips,Zara Carr Where: London, United Kingdom When: 20 Dec 2013

89 year old Leslie Philips seen arriving with his bride Zara Carr, who is about half his age, at a church near their home for the marriage to be blessed. Featuring: Leslie Philips,Zara Carr Where: London, United Kingdom When: 20 Dec 2013

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89 year old Leslie Philips seen arriving with his bride Zara Carr, who is about half his age, at a church near their home for the marriage to be blessed.  Featuring: Leslie Philips,Zara Carr Where: London, United Kingdom When: 20 Dec 2013

89 year old Leslie Philips seen arriving with his bride Zara Carr, who is about half his age, at a church near their home for the marriage to be blessed. Featuring: Leslie Philips,Zara Carr Where: London, United Kingdom When: 20 Dec 2013

Leslie Philips

Leslie Philips

Leslie Philips arriving for the World Premiere of 'Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows pt2', Trafalgar Square, London. 07/07/2011  Picture by: James McCauley / Featureflash

Leslie Philips arriving for the World Premiere of 'Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows pt2', Trafalgar Square, London. 07/07/2011 Picture by: James McCauley / Featureflash

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Man in the Attic

Man in the Attic

Leslie Philips 'Carry on Nurse' 1959

Leslie Philips 'Carry on Nurse' 1959

Leslie philips British Artists, Classic Movie Stars, Classic Movies

Leslie philips British Artists, Classic Movie Stars, Classic Movies

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Phillips Edison & Company Declares Monthly Dividend Distributions; Announces Results of Annual Meeting of Stockholders

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「ハリー・ポッター」の組分け帽子の声優が死去 98歳編集者のオススメ記事【写真】井岡戦ラウンドガール まだ際どい?ビキニで大胆疾走「…【写真】長澤まさみ 兄は超イケメン 木村佳乃「ハンサム」に「…ヒロミ「強め」説教でフジテレビに「呼ばれなくなった」【写真】「めっちゃ痩せてる!」「おもろすぎ」華原朋美の全力…海外スターバックナンバー最新ニュース主要ニュースオリックス宮城に折れたバットが直撃バウアー大炎上 最短2回7失点でKO西武2軍 九回7点差から逆転サヨナラ旧N党セクシー女優「本名検索バレる」啓之輔が男気出場!骨折のてるに代わりランキング(芸能)話題の写真ランキングデイリーおすすめアイテム写真リアルタイムランキング注目トピックス

「ハリー・ポッター」の組分け帽子の声優が死去 98歳編集者のオススメ記事【写真】井岡戦ラウンドガール まだ際どい?ビキニで大胆疾走「…【写真】長澤まさみ 兄は超イケメン 木村佳乃「ハンサム」に「…ヒロミ「強め」説教でフジテレビに「呼ばれなくなった」【写真】「めっちゃ痩せてる!」「おもろすぎ」華原朋美の全力…海外スターバックナンバー最新ニュース主要ニュースオリックス宮城に折れたバットが直撃バウアー大炎上 最短2回7失点でKO西武2軍 九回7点差から逆転サヨナラ旧N党セクシー女優「本名検索バレる」啓之輔が男気出場!骨折のてるに代わりランキング(芸能)話題の写真ランキングデイリーおすすめアイテム写真リアルタイムランキング注目トピックス

「ハリポタ」で組み分け帽子の声優担当 レスリー・フィリップスさんが死去

「ハリポタ」で組み分け帽子の声優担当 レスリー・フィリップスさんが死去

‘Carry On’ actor Leslie Phillips dead aged 98

‘Carry On’ actor Leslie Phillips dead aged 98

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Close up head shots of Leslie Philips on the day of his third wedding to Zara Carr.  Featuring: Leslie Phillips Where: London, United Kingdom When: 20 Dec 2013

Close up head shots of Leslie Philips on the day of his third wedding to Zara Carr. Featuring: Leslie Phillips Where: London, United Kingdom When: 20 Dec 2013

Close up head shots of Leslie Philips on the day of his third wedding to Zara Carr.  Featuring: Leslie Phillips Where: London, United Kingdom When: 20 Dec 2013

Close up head shots of Leslie Philips on the day of his third wedding to Zara Carr. Featuring: Leslie Phillips Where: London, United Kingdom When: 20 Dec 2013

89 year old Leslie Philips seen arriving with his bride Zara Carr, who is about half his age, at a church near their home for the marriage to be blessed.  Featuring: Leslie Philips,Zara Carr Where: London, United Kingdom When: 20 Dec 2013

89 year old Leslie Philips seen arriving with his bride Zara Carr, who is about half his age, at a church near their home for the marriage to be blessed. Featuring: Leslie Philips,Zara Carr Where: London, United Kingdom When: 20 Dec 2013

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Carry on films Stock Photos and Images

Carry on films Stock Photos and Images

Leslie philips Stock Photos and Images

Leslie philips Stock Photos and Images

Jack Douglas

Jack Douglas

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These Legendary Stars You Forgot Are Still Alive & KickingJacques Chirac, 86 Years Old

These Legendary Stars You Forgot Are Still Alive & KickingJacques Chirac, 86 Years Old

Elvis Presley #elvis #presley Priscilla Presley, Lisa Marie Presley, Elvis Presley Jeune, Elvis Presley Photos, Graceland Elvis, Emmanuelle Béart, Blake Lively, Britney Spears, Rei Do Rock

Elvis Presley #elvis #presley Priscilla Presley, Lisa Marie Presley, Elvis Presley Jeune, Elvis Presley Photos, Graceland Elvis, Emmanuelle Béart, Blake Lively, Britney Spears, Rei Do Rock

マクガフィンの集積 Slapdash McGuffin

マクガフィンの集積 Slapdash McGuffin

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Julia Lockwood and Leslie Phillips in Please Turn Over. 1959 Leslie Phillips, Lockwood, Julia, Comedy, Films, British, Turn Ons, Couple Photos, Couples

Julia Lockwood and Leslie Phillips in Please Turn Over. 1959 Leslie Phillips, Lockwood, Julia, Comedy, Films, British, Turn Ons, Couple Photos, Couples

Recent Mugshot Image for Leslie Dawn Rhodes in Craighead County, Arkansas

Recent Mugshot Image for Leslie Dawn Rhodes in Craighead County, Arkansas

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000 +/- 20 Acres Section 23, Leslie, AR 72645

000 +/- 20 Acres Section 23, Leslie, AR 72645

89 year old Leslie Philips seen arriving with his bride Zara Carr, who is about half his age, at a church near their home for the marriage to be blessed.  Featuring: Leslie Philips,Zara Carr Where: London, United Kingdom When: 20 Dec 2013

89 year old Leslie Philips seen arriving with his bride Zara Carr, who is about half his age, at a church near their home for the marriage to be blessed. Featuring: Leslie Philips,Zara Carr Where: London, United Kingdom When: 20 Dec 2013

Photo of 0 Mcdonald Ln, Whiteville, NC 28472

Photo of 0 Mcdonald Ln, Whiteville, NC 28472

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「ハリポタ」組分け帽子の声優が死去、98歳 200本以上の映画、テレビに出演、終生現役を貫く

「ハリポタ」組分け帽子の声優が死去、98歳 200本以上の映画、テレビに出演、終生現役を貫く


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Parsed Words

  • フィリップス
  • スリー
  • re / 2nd note in the tonic solfa representation of the diatonic scale