Master Lü Bao Chun - Bājíquán (八極拳) Bājíquán (八極拳), historically known as the “martial art of bodyguards”, emphasizes the use of close-range techniques such as elbow strikes and takedowns to finish the fight swiftly. Best Martial Arts, Martial Arts Styles, Martial Arts Techniques, Chinese Martial Arts, Chi Kung, Kung Fu, Kempo Karate, Karate Styles, Tai Chi Qigong
八極拳のヒジの秘密「体当たり」を宮平保が徹底解説! Secret of Ba ji quan, Tamotsu Miyahira - YouTube Kenpo, Chinese Martial Arts, Poems Beautiful, Tai Chi, Elbow, Explained, The Secret, Youtube, Pins
森田真法的作品「べしゃり暮らし」從2005年開始連載至今目前在「週刊YOUNG JUMP」上連載還以刊2週、休2週的方式來進行可見作者身體真的很虛弱也可以知道出版社有多禮遇這位大師了「べしゃり暮らし」故事內容是作者最拿手的高中校園漫畫,題材是以日本相聲為主因為主軸是相聲,在熱血度、興奮度上,當然沒有比鐵拳對鋼拳、ROOKIES來的好即使如此,還是可以看到作者的畫功,森田真法的「畫力」在日本非常有評價べしゃり暮らし目前日本出到第7 Male Sketch, Manga, Color, Manga Anime, Colour, Manga Comics, Manga Art, Colors