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World War 1 Allies Central Powers 1914 Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand Schlileffen Plan Sinking of the Lusitania Sinking of the Arabic Sinking of French liner Sussex Battle of the Somme Zimmerman Note Selective Service Act of 1917 Committee on Public Info Espionage and Sedition Acts Convoy System War Industries Board Food Administration Second Battle of the Marne Austria-Hungary surrenders to the Allies Establishment of the German Republic Cease-fire and armistice
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山本五十六といえば、日独伊三国同盟、対米強硬路線に反対しながらも、真珠湾攻撃の指揮を行った海軍の連合艦隊司令長官として国民的英雄となったが、時代によって変遷をたどり、軍人的評価も「名将」「凡将」「愚将… Stock Pictures, Stock Photos, Swat Team, Chant, Navy Seals, Special Forces, High Res, Human Silhouette, Getty Images