Images of 哲学者事典
哲学者・精神分析家のスラヴォイ・ジジェク(71)。1949年、スロベニア生まれ。「文化論のエルビス・プレスリー」「新左翼の最も偉大な哲学者」などと称されるラカン派マルクス主義者。『大義を忘れるな』(青土社)、『ロベスピエール / 毛沢東』(河出文庫)など著書多数Photo: Matt Carr / Getty Images
This is a statue bust of Zeno. Cast in Pushkin museum from original in Naples.Zeno of Citium (c. 336 – 265 BCE) was the founder of the Stoic School of philosophy in Athens which taught that the Logos (Universal Reason) was the greatest good in life and living in accordance with reason was the purpose of human life. If one lived according to the instinct of impulse and passion, one was no more than an animal; if one lived in accordance with universal reason, one was truly a human being living School Of Philosophy, History Of Philosophy, Western Philosophy, Carthage, Alexandre Le Grand, Hellenistic Period, Grece Antique, Roman Era, The Stoics
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