ベーコン死霊術(De Nigromancia of Roger Bacon)[GD系現代魔術研究ページIMN]【ANIMA MYSTICA】 Roger Bacon, Book Of Shadows, Magical Girl, Magick, 20th, Cards, Witchcraft, Maps, Playing Cards
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英文)キリスト教美術の図像学(イコノグラフィー) 全2冊 Iconography of Christian Art, 2 Volumes (Volume I : Christ's Incarnation, Childhood, Baptism, Temptation, Transfiguration, Works and Miracles/Vol. 2 The Passion of Christ)
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黒い雌鳥の書(The Black Pullet)<西欧神秘伝統的図像学>[GD系現代魔術研究ページIMN]【ANIMA MYSTICA】 Enochian, Knowledge Is Power, Love Charms, Amulets, Magical, Charmed, Picture, Cards, Scientia Potentia Est