"Koku Shonen" October 1942 issue. Cover artwork by Kabajiwa Katsuichi, "Waga Rikukugun no Seiei Keibakugekiki" (Our Elite Army Light Bombers). Note the green and sandy brown colours of the camouflage. Mitsubishi Ki-30 "Ann", 16th Sentai? (Arawasi) Propaganda E Marketing, Ww2 Propaganda Posters, Japanese Poster, Japanese Prints, Imperial Japanese Navy, Cover Artwork, Aviation Art, Art Graphique, War Machine
1945年4月,戦時下の沖縄で撮影された写真。捕虜になった日本兵と,従軍看護師の結婚式。 Alcyon, Japanese Artwork, Recent Events, American Soldiers, Event Photos, Okinawa, World War Two, Hush Hush, Color Photography