GLP Finalizes Sale of U.S. Logistics Assets to Blackstone
GLP German Light Products Scan Operator FX II
Stimulation of GLP-1 Receptor Inhibits Methylglyoxal-Induced Mitochondrial Dysfunctions in H9c2 Cardiomyoblasts: Potential Role of Epac/PI3K/Akt Pathway
The Role of SGLT 2 Inhibitors and GLP 1 Receptor Agonists and DPP 4 Inhibitors The Role of SGLT 2 Inhibitors and GLP 1 Receptor Agonists and DPP 4 Inhibitors
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What is GLP-1 & Does it Affect Weight & Cognition?
GLP-1 receptor agonists: The cardiovascular benefits beyond glucose controlVideo navigation menuOnline-CMEContinue reading:AnticoagulationComparing anticoagulants for AF: Which OAC is best for patients with dementia?Antidote reverses FXa inhibitor anticoagulation after acute major bleedingNo indication for oral anticoagulation after TAVI: SAPT outperforms DAPT and DOAC-based regimensDiabetes & CVDPhase 3 trial with dual GIP and GLP-1 receptor agonist meets primary endpointsSlides: SGLT2i among patients with and without diabetes: collaborative meta-analysis of large placebo-controlled trialsReducing ASCVD risk by optimizing risk factor management Heart FailureFewer sudden cardiac deaths in HF with SGLT2i therapyHyperkalemia – Is it still a challenge in 2023?Breaking barriers in guideline-based RAASi therapy - Solving issues with hyperkalemiaKidney disease & CVDSlides: SGLT2i among patients with and without diabetes: collaborative meta-analysis of large placebo-controlled trialsSlides: SGLT2i in the spectrum of CKD: A call for actionSlides: The EMPA-Kidney trial: Broadening the evidence of SGLT2i in CKDLipidsPCSK9i reduces coronary plaque burden in asymptomatic patients with FHModerate-intensity statin plus ezetimibe as an alternative to high-intensity statin in ASCVD patients ≥75 yearsMajority of patients with high or very high CV risk between 2020-2021 still fail to achieve LDL-c goals