Ruuのインスタグラム(ruufabulous) - 10月28日 22時01分 Shelly / @ディーン・フジオカ Music Video released! I was in charge of the choreography of the very talented director Dean Fujioka!Tsukushi from Fabulous Sisters is also part of it. I’m in love with the world that Director Toushi creates and I’m super happy to be part of the project! Dean is amazing as both director and an artist. Please check out the music video! #deanfujioka #shelly #東市篤憲 #tsukushi #ruufabulous#シャーロック [BIHAKUEN]UVシールド(UVShield) >> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する fabuloussisters.japan Ruu 佐々木つくし tsukusi_fabuloussisters
LET'S SNSHIGASHI ATSUSHIHIGASHI ATSUSISports Mental CoachProfileCareerQualificationPerformanceMessageMake the world shine by shining on your own. Make the world shine by shining on your own. Make the world shine by shining on your own. Make the world shine by shining on your own. Make the world shine by shining on your own. Make the world shine by shining on your own.Other PageMEDIAMEDIA詳しく見るACTIVITYACTIVITY詳しく見るSERVICESERVICE詳しく見るBOOKBOOK詳しく見るINSTAGRAMINSTAGRAM詳しく見るBRIGHT STARSBRIGHT STARSWEBサイトへ