花日和 畳 on Twitter: "温泉まんじゅうお化け。 [3793番目] #畳百鬼夜行絵巻… " Work On Yourself, Twitter Sign Up, Paintings, Japan, Shit Happens, Paint, Painting Art, Painting, Painted Canvas
姑獲鳥(うぶめ)、鳥山石燕「画図百鬼夜行」より Japanese Folklore, Japanese Art, Folk Tales, Fairy Tales, Japanese Monster Movies, Best Ghost Stories, Horror Stories, Famous Legends, Japanese Horror
身の毛立:ミノケダチ Art of ghost, goblin and or monster in the Edo period. Japanese Mythology, Japanese Folklore, Yuki Onna, Japanese Monster, Monster Illustration, Frog Illustration, The Boogeyman, Mythological Creatures, Sea Monsters