泰西 人身 说 概 Taixi ren shen gay shuo (Sketch of Western theories on the human body). Author: Bauhine Gaspard (https://pinterest.com/pin/287386019950207620 - based on Theaturm Anatomicum https://pinterest.com/pin/287386019950207622) / Reviser: Gongchen, Bi, (d. 1644) / Translator: Terentius, Joannes (Deng Yuhan: Chinese name of the German Jesuit missionary Johann Schreck, 1576-1630) / Creation date: 1575 AD. J.-C. - 1630 AD. J.-C. approx. #Bauhin Chinese Name, Missionary, Human Body, Theories, Anatomy, Westerns, German, Gay
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