塩田千春さんのインスタグラム写真 - (塩田千春Instagram)「These are the last days to visit the extensive exhibition „The Soul Trembles“ at @museummacan in Jakarta, Indonesia. This extensive solo exhibition has been traveling through-out Asia-Pasific since 2019 and presents 25 years of my life as an artist including videos of early performances, photographs, drawings, objects and several large-scale installations. The exhibition is open until 30 April. For more information visit https://www.museummacan.org/exhibition/chiharu-shiota-the-soul-trembles In addition, I am happy to announce that „The Soul Trembles“ will continue to travel. Its next destination being in China. More information will follow soon. #thesoultrembles #museummacan #jakarta #indonesia #art #artist #exhibition #soloexhibition #ShiotaMACAN #MuseumMACAN #endingsoon」4月26日 19時12分 - chiharushiota
25年の軌跡…塩田千春の個展 魂のゆくえ求めて
2023年発売モデル バルミューダ ザ・レンジ BALMUDA The Range [ステンレス] K09A正規店 電子レンジ オーブンレンジ フラット シンプル おしゃれ ご飯 本体 調理器具…