Of or relating to education
English Public
by AmyNButler
Vocabulary List
- 読むよむreadnew34249
- 勉強べんきょうstudynew33432
- 学校がっこうschoolnew33306
- 書くかくwritenew33291
- 教諭きょうゆteachernew33288
- 学徒がくとstudent, follower, students and pupilsnew33287
- 塾生じゅくせいprivate-school studentnew33286
- 塾ジュクcram school, private schoolnew33285
- 究キュウ、ク、きわ.めるresearch, studynew33284
- 学究がっきゅうscholar, studentnew33283
- 門人もんじんpupil, student, followernew33282
- 師弟していteacher and studentnew33281
- 学徒がくとstudent, follower, students and pupilsnew33280
- 教育きょういくtraining, educationnew33279
- 教キョウ、おし.える、おそ.わるteach, faith, doctrinenew33278
- 性教育せいきょういくsex educationnew33277
- 学ガク、まな.ぶstudy, learning, sciencenew33276
- 独学どくがくself-education, self-instruction, self-studynew33275