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A Guide to Dental Terms

English Public

Abrasion - Loss of tooth structure caused by a hard toothbrush, poor brushing teeth technique or bruxism (grinding or clenching the teeth).<a href="http://www.alandental.com/">dental equipment</a>

Abscess - An infection of a tooth, soft tissue or bone.

Abutment - tooth or teeth that support a fixed or removable tooth bridge.

Adhesive Dentistry - Contemporary term for dental restorations that involve "bonding" of composite resin or porcelain fillings to natural teeth.

Air Abrasion - Removal of tooth structure by blasting a tooth with air and abrasive, a relatively new technology that may avoid the need for anesthetic.

Allergy - Unfavorable systemic response to a foreign substance or drug.

Alveolar Bone - The jaw bone that anchors the roots of teeth.

Amalgam - A most common filling material, also known as silver fillings, containing mercury (approximately 50%), silver, tin, copper and zinc.

Analgesia - A state of pain relief or an agent that lessens pain.

Anesthesia - Partial or complete elimination of pain sensation. Numbing a tooth is an example of local anesthesia; general anesthesia produces partial or complete unconsciousness.

Anterior Teeth - The six upper or six lower front teeth.

Antibiotic - A drug that stops or slows the growth of bacteria

ANUG - An acronym for Acute Necrotizing Ulcerative Gingivitis, commonly known as trench mouth or Vincent's disease, which can be aggravated by stress and/or smoking.

Apex - The tip of the root of a tooth.

Apicoectomy - Surgical removal of the root tip to treat a dead tooth.

Arch - Describes the alignment of the upper or lower teeth.<a href="http://www.alandental.com/category-43-b0-Dental-Curing-Light.html">Wireless Curing Light</a>

Attrition - Loss of structure due to natural wear.

Vocabulary List

A Guide to Dental Terms
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