Outstanding Oral Implants Can
English Public
On the surface, it seems somewhat unlikely that a dental treatment could improve your life, but dental implants can really do this. If you’ve been shying away from smiling in public or you struggle with unclear speech or chewing certain foods, dental implants can have a massive impact on your day to day life and they can really help you to live life to the full. With implants, you can smile with confidence and enjoy eating and speaking without any anxiety at all.
What are dental implants?
Dental implants are small titanium posts, which are designed to act like tooth roots. They are implanted into small sockets in the jaw bone and once they have integrated into the bone tissue through a process called osseointegration, they are attached to a new restoration. One of the major advantages of dental implants is that they are compatible with different restorations and this means that they are suitable for almost all patients with missing teeth. Once in place the implant can anchor a single crown, a dental bridge or a denture.
What are the benefits of implant treatment?
It sounds extreme, but dental implants really can change your life, especially if you have many missing teeth or you’ve been without natural teeth for a long period of time. With implants, you can enjoy a beautiful smile and you will be able to do everything you did when you had a full set of healthy natural teeth. You can eat any food you like, you will have clear speech and you can show off a lovely looking smile.
Implants are a longer term solution than dentures and bridges and they are easy to look after and maintain. They also provide amazing levels of stability, like a natural tooth root, and they blend into the bone tissue without causing any harm to the neighbouring tooth roots or the gums. Implants can also help to reduce bone loss.
If you’re thinking about replacing missing teeth, implants could be the perfect solution; call us now to find out more!
learn more:http://www.alandental.com/category-29-b0-Ultrasonic-Scaler.html
by jhfhjf
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