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Sore, Swollen, and Bleeding Gu

English Public
One of the most unpleasant symptoms of poor oral health comes in the form of bleeding, sore or otherwise swollen gums. Sometimes, there’s nothing quite as annoying as inflamed, sore gums that seem committed to making our entire day miserable… but what’s behind the core causes of these symptoms? Is there anything that can be done to prevent them? What’s the best way to predict they may be coming?(http://www.alandental.com/category-1-b0-Dental-LabClinic-Equipment.html

When we think of dental health, immediately visions of preventing or filling cavities are conjured up (and perhaps the nerve-wracking way some of us grasp the dental chair we’re in, preparing for the sensitivity pain that occasionally occurs), but it’s equally important to think of the gums, too. Unbeknownst to many, our gums play a major role not only in our dental health, but in overall well-being, and this applies to other living species as well, including canines. In fact, many vets submit that if left unchecked, a canine’s gum problems can have as far-reaching health issues as heart disease.

In humans, swollen, bleeding and sore gums (in most instances) are a sign of gum disease, but there are a host of other factors that could be causing the symptoms. Irrespective of the core cause of sore, painful gums, there exists an equal amount of preventative steps one can take to minimize the damage and discomfort inflicted by these anomalies.

Gum Disease: A Primer

Here’s an alarming statistic: More than three-quarters of American adults over the age of 35 experience periodontal (gum) disease. And while most people exhibiting gum disease end up experiencing the less-severe variant known as gingivitis, between five-percent and 15-percent endure a more serious type known as periodontitis.

The whole process of gum disease begins like this: When we don’t practice proper dental hygiene, bacteria in the mouth forms plaque on the teeth, and these bacteria can cause gums to become inflamed, thus yielding red, swollen or bleeding gum tissue. For those suffering with gingivitis, this inflammation has not reached the painful stage – in fact, when nipped in the bud early, gingivitis can be reversed and healed given proper oral hygiene. If left untreated, gingivitis evolves to the next stage which involves the loss of teeth…but what’s important to note here is that medical attention should be sought if one is experiencing the following symptoms (regardless of whether there’s discomfort or not):

Changes in the way teeth fit together during biting, or in the fit of partial dentures
Formation of deep pockets between teeth and gums
Gums that bleed during and after brushing
Shifting or loose teeth
Persistent unpleasant breath or bad taste in mouth
Receding gums
Tender, swollen or red gums

Once gingivitis progresses to the periodontitis stage, the gums and bone that hold the teeth in place become severely weakened. What’s worse, the bacteria on the teeth release toxic substances that eat away at the gums, for lack of a better term, and cause them to become infected. This infection, along with the inflammation that results when our bodies attack foreign invaders like bacteria, can degrade the gums and bone in the jaw even further.(http://www.alandental.com/category-16-b0-Dental-Handpiece.html

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Sore, Swollen, and Bleeding Gu
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