Learning Structure
English Public
- Daily routines / schedules for a fast Japanese learning -
Recommended Apps / Sites:
- www.japaneseclass.jp
- www.duolingo.com
- http://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/easy/index.html
- www.gogoanimeonline.com
- www.mangafox.com
- www.youtube.com
- Human Japanese App
- Kanji Study App
- Memrise App
- Visual Novels
Before applying this Structure to your daily life, make sure you have done these:
- master all kana (hiragana and katakana)
- know the basics of Japanese structures (what is kanji, what is furigana, etc)
- know a little bit of what will you encounter in Japanese (there won't be 'a, b, c, d...' very often here)
This site is undoubtedly a great site for learning Japanese (the best for me). So we will use this site as our primary vocabulary learning source. First of all, complete all lessons available to you then keep practicing everyday, clearing all news and oblivions (the ones you have encountered, a review) or if you are truly busy, at least clear the 20 attendance each day. Try the reading if you want, but if you think it is kinda overwhelming for you, just skip it for now and do it after you have learned the basic grammar of Japanese.
There are many good sources for Japanese grammar scattered on the internet, so you can find the most suitable for your learning type and or pace. Such as Tae Kim's which offer a good startup and it's free. I will recommend Human Japanese (Beginner and Intermediate) for the grammar fill-ups. I have used these and managed to grasp the basic grammar and even some advanced ones. This app also provides vocab training with sounds and numbers practice.
I recommend NHK news web easy, really. It is free and includes furigana for each kanji shown there and you read news everyday (yeay!). It also includes the original news from NHK and the video of the news broadcasted on Japanese local TV Stations.
Watch anime and listen to Japanese songs everyday. They really help boosting your learning pace. You can also listen to the news on NHK. You don't have to understand on your first try, but take it as enhancers for your learning. Believe me, soon after you'll be able to listen to them clearly.
Find people who want to have a Japanese conversation with you. Find Japanese friends through many communities available (Social Media, Gaming, Relatives, Works, etc) and try to chat with them on daily basis. If you have the time and money, really, just go to Japan and stay or even live there, honestly there isn't any better way to learn Japanese than having everything around you suddenly turns into Japanese and you have to survive without anyone's helping.
All of those above can be found in a single Visual Novel Game though. Such as Nekopara and Go Go Nippon - My First Trip to Japan. You can download VN reading aid to help you with the kanjis (although nekopara have sounds all over and you can repeat listening to it) - and of course use the internet to fill the gap in your learning.
Here is a video by FelliVox on youtube showing us how to use VN to learn Japanese
What are we gonna do each day?
- Do all the tasks on this site as mentioned
- Read NHK News at least one topic a day then translate the article to your own language, to your language structure.
- Play some Visual Novels
- Watch anime and listen to Japanese songs if you like
- Use your mobile Japanese learning apps to fill the time (this site, Human Japanese for grammar and Kanji Study for complete kanji)
- Have a chat in your LINE Groups (if you have Japanese family, relatives, friends, coworkers, etc
- Listen to Japanese songs
The first week or first month will definitely be a struggle but the final result is very rewarding, you can speak the 5th level of language, one of the hardest language in this world besides Arabic. After 3 months or so you will have the understanding of the basics and ready to speed up your pace and increase your vocabulary armaments.
My friends pass N3 with this structure and now they are going through N2 and preparing for N1 also with this structure. It is flexible, really. Just increase your vocab numbers and search for complex grammar but keeping the structure intact for advanced levels.
Well thanks for reading :D
Just wanna share this method as I and my friends find this very effective.
Have fun learning!
Recommended Apps / Sites:
- www.japaneseclass.jp
- www.duolingo.com
- http://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/easy/index.html
- www.gogoanimeonline.com
- www.mangafox.com
- www.youtube.com
- Human Japanese App
- Kanji Study App
- Memrise App
- Visual Novels
Before applying this Structure to your daily life, make sure you have done these:
- master all kana (hiragana and katakana)
- know the basics of Japanese structures (what is kanji, what is furigana, etc)
- know a little bit of what will you encounter in Japanese (there won't be 'a, b, c, d...' very often here)
This site is undoubtedly a great site for learning Japanese (the best for me). So we will use this site as our primary vocabulary learning source. First of all, complete all lessons available to you then keep practicing everyday, clearing all news and oblivions (the ones you have encountered, a review) or if you are truly busy, at least clear the 20 attendance each day. Try the reading if you want, but if you think it is kinda overwhelming for you, just skip it for now and do it after you have learned the basic grammar of Japanese.
There are many good sources for Japanese grammar scattered on the internet, so you can find the most suitable for your learning type and or pace. Such as Tae Kim's which offer a good startup and it's free. I will recommend Human Japanese (Beginner and Intermediate) for the grammar fill-ups. I have used these and managed to grasp the basic grammar and even some advanced ones. This app also provides vocab training with sounds and numbers practice.
I recommend NHK news web easy, really. It is free and includes furigana for each kanji shown there and you read news everyday (yeay!). It also includes the original news from NHK and the video of the news broadcasted on Japanese local TV Stations.
Watch anime and listen to Japanese songs everyday. They really help boosting your learning pace. You can also listen to the news on NHK. You don't have to understand on your first try, but take it as enhancers for your learning. Believe me, soon after you'll be able to listen to them clearly.
Find people who want to have a Japanese conversation with you. Find Japanese friends through many communities available (Social Media, Gaming, Relatives, Works, etc) and try to chat with them on daily basis. If you have the time and money, really, just go to Japan and stay or even live there, honestly there isn't any better way to learn Japanese than having everything around you suddenly turns into Japanese and you have to survive without anyone's helping.
All of those above can be found in a single Visual Novel Game though. Such as Nekopara and Go Go Nippon - My First Trip to Japan. You can download VN reading aid to help you with the kanjis (although nekopara have sounds all over and you can repeat listening to it) - and of course use the internet to fill the gap in your learning.
Here is a video by FelliVox on youtube showing us how to use VN to learn Japanese
What are we gonna do each day?
- Do all the tasks on this site as mentioned
- Read NHK News at least one topic a day then translate the article to your own language, to your language structure.
- Play some Visual Novels
- Watch anime and listen to Japanese songs if you like
- Use your mobile Japanese learning apps to fill the time (this site, Human Japanese for grammar and Kanji Study for complete kanji)
- Have a chat in your LINE Groups (if you have Japanese family, relatives, friends, coworkers, etc
- Listen to Japanese songs
The first week or first month will definitely be a struggle but the final result is very rewarding, you can speak the 5th level of language, one of the hardest language in this world besides Arabic. After 3 months or so you will have the understanding of the basics and ready to speed up your pace and increase your vocabulary armaments.
My friends pass N3 with this structure and now they are going through N2 and preparing for N1 also with this structure. It is flexible, really. Just increase your vocab numbers and search for complex grammar but keeping the structure intact for advanced levels.
Well thanks for reading :D
Just wanna share this method as I and my friends find this very effective.
Have fun learning!
by devan_desu
Vocabulary List
- 0