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Yu Min received the State Supreme Science and Technology Awa

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<a href="http://www.liashop.net/">supreme 鍙扮仯瀹樼恫</a>姣忓ぉ鐐哄ぇ瀹跺付渚嗗叏鏂版疆娴佺郴鍒楀柈鍝侊紝鐐烘偍鐨勭敓娲绘坊鍔犳洿澶氱殑鑹插僵锛岀偤鎮ㄧ殑鐢熸椿鍏呮豢娲诲姏锛岃畵鎮ㄦ瘡澶╀笉閲嶈锛岀簿褰╃殑浜虹敓寰炵従鍦ㄩ枊濮嬶紝鏁珛闂滄敞鎴戝€憇upreme 鍙扮仯灏堟珒锛屾垜鍊戝皣鍏ㄦ柊鐨剆upreme澶波鍠搧涓€涓€鍛堢従绲﹀ぇ瀹躲€?div class="intro">BEIJING, Jan. 9 (Xinhuanet) -- A ceremony for China's most presitigious awards in science and technology has been held in Beijing. The receiver of the highest price this year, the State Supreme 鏇稿寘 鍍归將 鍜孲upreme Science and Technolog

<p>BEIJING, Jan. 9 (Xinhuanet) -- A ceremony for China's most presitigious awards in science and technology has been held in Beijing. The receiver of the highest price this year, the State <a href="http://www.liashop.net/lp/supreme-bags-b7c37d94/">Supreme 鏇稿寘 鍍归將</a>鍜孲upreme Science and Technology Award, is Yu Min, a nuclear physicist and academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences.</p>
<p>Yu's theoretical studies of nuclear energy led to breakthrough of hydrogen bomb. The State Science and Technology Awards comproses of four more awards that reconize individual and organizations for their contribution in specific aspects: State Natural Science Award, State Technological Invention Award, National Science and Techonology Progress Award, and International Scientific and Technological Cooperation Award of the PRC, which was handed to University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center and seven individual scientists from Russia, Canada, the US.</p>
<p>(Source: CNTV.cn)</p>

鎯宠浜嗚В鏇村闂滄柤<a href="http://www.liashop.net/lc/supreme-coat/">supreme 澶栧</a>璩囪▕娑堟伅鐨勬湅鍙嬶紝涓嶅Θ闂滄敞<a href="http://www.liashop.net/">supreme 鍙扮仯灏堟珒</a>寰岀簩鐨勫牨閬撴秷鎭紝涔熷彲浠ユ坊鍔?strong style="color: red;">Line锛歍WDK</strong>閫茶鍜ㄨ銆傚叏鍫存墍鏈夋柊鍝佷綆鑷?鎶樿捣锛屾柊娆句笉鏂蜂笂鏋讹紝閫辨棩閫辨湯璩肩墿鏇存槸浜湁灏堝爆鎶樻墸鍎儬锛岄鍠滈€i€o紝姝e搧澶波锛屾敮鎸佸皥娅冮璀夛紝7澶╅憭璩炴湡锛?澶╃劇鐞嗙敱閫€鎻涜波锛屽績鍕曪紝涓嶅琛屽嫊锛岃稌绶婁締閬歌臣鍚э紒锛?a href="http://www.liashop.net/">http://www.liashop.net/</a>;锛?

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Yu Min received the State Supreme Science and Technology Awa
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