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<p>Here’s an idea. What if you never</p>
<p>had to buy a lightbulb again?|</p>
<p>這是一個想法。 如果你再也不用買燈泡呢?</p>
<p>Instead, you lease light, like you</p>
<p>lease a car or an apartment.|</p>
<p>00:00:07,879 --> 00:00:14,580</p>
<p>It's just one idea that’s part of the</p>
<p>circular economy.|</p>
<p>Before we can understand the circular economy,</p>
<p>well, it helps to define the linear economy.|</p>
<p>Most organizations today operate in the linear economy which is based on a 'take, make, and dispose' model.|</p>
<p>So, for example, a lightbulb company takes resources, like glass or metal, to manufacture its products.|</p>
<p>The company makes the bulb and sells it</p>
<p>to a customer like me who uses it.|</p>
<p>Once the lightbulb burns out, I dispose of it.|</p>
<p>It’s likely neither the company nor I will ever see that lightbulb again.|</p>
<p>For a lightbulb company to make money in the linear economy, it tries to buy materials for the lowest cost possible and to</p>
<p>sell as many bulbs as possible.</p>
<p>This model operates as if there are infinite resources, like glass or metal, in the world.</p>
<p>But you and I know that’s not the case.</p>
<p>That’s why the circular economy treats materials like they're finite.</p>
<p>A company in the circular economy doesn’t just recycle products but maintains ownership of them all along, so the model looks more like this, make, use and return.</p>
<p>Let’s go back to the lightbulb example.</p>
<p>Instead of buying bulbs, this office in London leases its light from Philips Lighting.</p>
<p>It signed a 15-year lease for the service and pays a fee each quarter.</p>
<p>Philips still owns the actual lightbulbs and provides maintenance and replacements when needed, no extra cost.</p>
<p>This model gives Philips the incentive to produce energy-efficient lightbulbs and it saves the office money with fixed lighting costs.</p>
<p>It’s a radically different business model that makes companies more like service providers than sellers of a physical product.</p>
<p>And it turns out lots of companies are looking for ways to get involved.</p>
<p>Take H&M, one of the world’s largest clothing retailers.</p>
<p>It’s working on a strategy to become 100 percent circular.</p>
<p>The company collects old garments in its stores and recycles them.</p>
<p>Since 2013, H&M says it has gathered more than 55,000 tons of fabric to reuse for new garments.</p>
<p>Some governments are getting on board with the circular economy, too.</p>
<p>The European Union adopted an action plan in 2015 aiming to make supply chains, you guessed it, more circular.</p>
<p>This includes everything from production to consumption, repair and manufacturing, and waste management.</p>
<p>The point isn’t just to become more 'green' and create environmental benefits, there could be economic benefits too.</p>
<p>One report estimated a shift toward the circular economy in the E.U.</p>
<p>could increase GDP by an additional 12 percentage points by 2050.</p>
<p>But moving from the linear economy to the circular economy also brings costs.</p>
<p>Companies would need to redesign their supply chains and products in order for them to be used again and again.</p>
<p>Manufacturers might be burdened when it comes to the actual logistics of disposing and recycling.</p>
<p>A recent report found only 22 percent of U.K. companies are trying to generate value from products that are returned for reuse, recycling or refurbishing.</p>
<p>It’s estimated the cost of transitioning to a fully efficient reuse and recycling system across Europe could be as much as 108 billion euros, roughly 130 billion dollars.</p>
<p>Cost is one thing.</p>
<p>Changing people’s mindsets is another.|</p>
<p>成本是一回事。 改變人們的觀念是另一回事。</p>
<p>And that’s what it'll take for the circular economy to go from an idea to reality for everyone.</p>
<p>Hey guys, it's Elizabeth, thanks so much for watching!|</p>
<p>You can check out more of our videos over here.</p>
<p>We're also taking your suggestions for future CNBC Explains, so leave any ideas in the comments section.</p>
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