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【學術報告】紐約州立大學Mohammad T. Khasawneh教授

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<a href="http://www.jordan-taiwan.com/">鍠腹</a>AIR JORDAN绯诲垪鐞冮瀷鍦ㄩ姺閲忚垏甯傚牬闇€姹傛柟闈㈤仚閬欓牁鍏堟柤鍏跺畠鐢㈠搧锛屾瘡骞寸偤鏁村€嬮亱鍕曢瀷琛屾キ妯圭珛璧蜂竴鍊嬪張涓€鍊嬫洿楂樼殑瑷▓銆佸壍鏂拌垏鍔熻兘妯欐潌銆傜郴鍒楃敘鍝佺殑鏍稿績鍦ㄦ柤锛岄亱鍕曞摗鑸囨妧琛撶殑瀹岀編绲愬悎 鈥撶眱鐞冨彶涓婃渶鑰€鐪肩殑宸ㄦ槦閭佸厠鐖韭峰柆涓癸紝浠ュ強浼撮毃宸ㄦ槦缍撴杓濈厡浜嬫キ鐨?a href="http://www.jordan-taiwan.com/">Jordan 绫冪悆闉?/a>锛岀獊椤嚭浠栧皪鍔熻兘銆佸壍鏂拌垏鎴愬氨鐨勪笉鎳堣拷姹傘€?div class="intro">鍫卞憡浜猴細Dr.Mohammad T. Khasawneh鏁欐巿 Speaker锛欴r. Mohammad T. Khasawneh鏁欐巿 涓绘寔浜猴細鍜屽欢绔?Host锛欻e Yanli 鏅傞枔锛?019骞?鏈?6鏃?涓婂崍10锛?0-11锛?0 Time:Jan.16th, 2019, 10:00-11:30am 鍦伴粸锛氳埅绌烘〒B搴ф闆诲闄㈠洓

<p>鍫卞憡浜猴細Dr.Mohammad T. Khasawneh鏁欐巿</p>
<p>Speaker锛欴r. Mohammad T. Khasawneh鏁欐巿</p>
<p>Host锛欻e Yanli</p>
<p>Time:Jan.16th, 2019, 10:00-11:30am</p>
<p>Location锛歒ouyi Campus Hangkong Building锛孲chool of Mechanical Engineering锛孊410 conference room</p>
<p>Topic锛欻ealthcare Systems Engineering and Data Science Research and Development</p>
<p>Due to the ongoing transformation of the healthcare industry from a fee-for-service (volume-based) to a pay-for-performance (value-based) model, the healthcare sector is constantly evolving every day. Moreover, with the advances in today鈥檚 technology, many hospital systems are transitioning into digital modes of operation. Therefore, there is an increased need, more than ever before, to make the healthcare system safe, effective, patient-centered, timely, efficient, and equitable. While systems engineering tools have been widely used in a variety of applications to achieve major improvements, the healthcare sector has been slow in embracing them. The strategic use of these tools, such as lean six-sigma, applied operations research, supply chain management, modeling and simulation, and human factors engineering/ergonomics, can be readily used to measure, characterize, and optimize performance at various levels in a healthcare system. However, building a better delivery system requires effective partnerships that can harness the power of engineering, health and healthcare sciences, information technology, management, and social sciences. Such partnerships are essential to transforming our under-performing healthcare system into high performance environments that produce premier quality care and better patient outcomes at lower cost. The integration of such expertise can establish next-generation policies and approaches in healthcare management, systems engineering, and outcomes research, and ultimately transform our healthcare system to one that embraces patient-centered care, optimized operations, efficacy, safety, and equity. The Watson Institute for Systems Excellence (WISE), an institute for advanced studies at Binghamton University, has been working (in a collaborative mode) with several U.S. and international hospitals to accomplish such objectives. Therefore, the purpose of this talk is to introduce the broad spectrum of applied research projects in the Healthcare Systems Engineering Center (HSEC), an organized research center under the umbrella of WISE. Those research activities include, but are not limited to:(a) workflow and process re-design, (b) productivity assessment and capacity planning, (c) strategic planning and future-state analysis, (d) lean six-sigma and operational excellence, (e) integrated clinical environment modeling and healthcare data science and analytics, (f) and digital human modeling for ergonomic assessment. After describing the unique working model of his Healthcare Systems Engineering Center and its partner hospitals, several case studies will be presented and discussed.</p>
<p>Mohammad Khasawneh鍗氬+鏄硴婕㈠闋撳ぇ瀛哥郴绲辩瀛歌垏宸ユキ宸ョ▼鏁欐巿鍜屼富甯€?003骞?鏈堝湪鍗楀崱缇呬締绱嶅窞鍏嬭悐濮嗘.澶у鐛插緱宸ユキ宸ョ▼鍗氬+瀛镐綅锛?998骞村拰2000骞村垎鍒ュ湪绱勬棪绉戞妧澶у鐛插緱姗熸宸ョ▼瀛稿+鍜岀ⅸ澹浣嶃€侹hasawneh鍗氬+鐨勭爺绌堕噸榛炴槸閱檪绯荤当宸ョ▼銆侀亱鐕熺鐞嗗拰鏁告摎绉戝銆侹hasawneh鍗氬+鐩墠鎿斾换娌冩.绯荤当鍗撹秺鐮旂┒鎵€锛圵ISE锛夊壇涓讳换锛岄€欐槸涓€鎵€楂樼礆鐮旂┒鎵€锛屾瘡骞寸敘鐢?50-300钀編鍏冪殑鐮旂┒璩囬噾銆傛澶栵紝浠栫洰鍓嶆摂浠昏硴婕㈠闋撳ぇ瀛搁啱鐧傜郴绲卞伐绋嬩腑蹇冿紙ORC锛夌殑鍓靛涓讳换銆?/p>
<p>Speaker鈥檚 Short Biography锛?/p>
<p>Dr. Mohammad Khasawneh is a Professor and Chair of Systems Science Industrial Engineering at Binghamton University. He received his Ph.D. inIndustrial Engineering from Clemson University, South Carolina, in August 2003,and his B.S. and M.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan, in 1998 and 2000, respectively. Dr.Khasawneh鈥檚 research is focused on healthcare systems engineering, operations management, and data science. Dr. Khasawneh currently serves as Associate</p>
<p>Director for the Watson Institute for Systems Excellence (WISE), an institute for advanced studies that generates 2.5-3 million US$ in research funds annually. In addition, he currently serves as the founding director of the Healthcare Systems Engineering Center, an organized research center (ORC) at Binghamton University.</p>

鑰屼粖锛?a href="http://www.jordan-taiwan.com/">Jordan 闉?/a>灏嶆柤澶у鏁哥殑闉嬭糠渚嗚锛屽凡缍撲笉鍐嶆槸浠€楹肩█濂囩殑鏉辫タ銆備絾鏄疉ir Jordan XX鍦?005骞存帹鍑烘墍鍏峰倷鐨勬剰缇╋紝鍗讳笉鎳夎┎琚垜鍊戞墍蹇樿銆傚皪鏂兼垜鍊戜締瑾紝Air Jordan 闉嬮潰涓婄殑鑺辩磱鏄竴绋檮鍔犲湪姝峰彶涓婄殑瑷€瑾烇紝瀹冭〃闇茬殑鏄鍓?0杓夌殑棰ㄩ洦锛岃杓夌殑锛屽嵒鏄柆涓逛互鍙婄┖涓浜?(Air Jordan) 绯诲垪鍦ㄩ亷鍘?0杓夌殑鍏夎紳銆傚枩姝$殑鏈嬪弸鍊戜篃鍙互鍒癆ir Jordan鍙扮仯瀹樼恫锛坵ww.jordan-taiwan.com锛夐伕璩硷紝鍗冭惉鍒ラ尟閬庝簡鍝︺€?

Vocabulary List

【學術報告】紐約州立大學Mohammad T. Khasawneh教授
0 vocabularies