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Metal Gear Solid 2 Cheats

English Public
While observing any Codec discussion, move the left and right simple sticks and the person's appearances will move. Push on one of the sticks, and the countenances will zoom right up front. Press the R1 or R2 button while Snake or Raiden is paying attention to somebody, and you can hear their contemplations! A portion of the folks' mysterious mentalities toward different characters are very entertaining!

Pants-less Marines
Metal Gear Solid 2 Cheats for mor info:https://playidlegames.com/metal-gear-solid-2-sons-of-liberty-mgs-2-cheats-for-ps3-and-ps2/ Enter Hold 1 or 2 on the boat (just after the primary supervisor fight...the Hold rooms are where the Marines are standing by listening to the Officer give his discourse). When within both of the initial 2 Hold rooms, creep past the Marines, and glance back at them from the north finish of the room, so you can see their countenances. However, in each Hold room (or possibly one of them), you ought to detect a couple of Marines with no jeans on (sit back and relax, they actually have some white fighter shorts).

Cheerful Birthday!
At the principal hub you sign into in the Plant Episode, you're allowed an opportunity to enter your name, birthday, bloodtype and ethnicity. In the event that your birthday coordinates with a similar date that is set in your PS2 (in all likelihood you set it to the right day) you'll be welcomed by a Cheerful Birthday logo with a matching Birthday cake.

Transportation With Boxes
Take a cardboard box to Swagger E: Package Room. Get in the crate, and hop onto the transport line, in the upper right-hand corner of the room. You will be moved to an alternate region, in view of the crate you utilized. Attempt them all, and see where you go!

Effectively cross minefields.
In the event that you don't have the mine dector, however might want to cross a minefield with getting harm, simply head toward the area where you accept mines are and creep over the area. Not exclusively will you be safe, yet you'll likewise acquire any claymore mines that you creep over!

The Shaver
Assuming you get the shaver toward the start of the plant section (by bouncing over the rail and going into the encased region with the space suit inside) you will give it to pliskin when you initially meet him. Doing this will have Snake clean cut toward the finish of the game. This is the other way around too in the event that you need a "rugged" Snake don't get the shaver!

Removing Vamp's best assault from him
At the point when Vamp's wellbeing gets low, he starts to occasionally release a shadow assault that will keep you from having the option to move; nonetheless, assuming you shoot out the four lights in the room, Vamp will not be able to utilize the assault.

Stupefying a gatekeeper
At the point when a gatekeeper spots you, either a '!' or '?' will show up over his head, contingent upon the distance among you and him. In the event that you shoot this before it dissappears (It's truly precarious), the watchman will become shocked for some time and a few white air pockets float around his head, allowing you an opportunity to run.

In the room with the oblivious gatekeepers in the start of the Shell penetration, go to the back of the room (lower part of your POV), and hold tight an edge. Move to one side and move back up to acquire the shaver. Afterward, in the realistic with Pliskin, Raiden will give him a shaver. It changes his beard for later cutscenes.

Mei Ling Big hauler Appearance
Toward the beginning of the Big hauler Section, Otacon will make sense of that Mei Ling is gone, and he's supplanting her as the game save recorder. He'll try and begin citing Chinese sayings like her, however wrecking their implications. On the off chance that you save essentially multiple times, Mei Ling will interfere with Otacon mid-clarification and holler at him for wrecking the maxims.

In the room with the storage spaces in the big hauler (Deck-A, group's quarters) there are 2 silly photographs in the storage spaces. Thump on a young lady's face and it you'll here a bizarre sound. Knock on a young lady's groin and you'll set off a ready and the assault group will come after you.

Vulcan Raven Little
In the entry to the Motor Room on the big hauler, Snake will go over a sorry excuse for Vulcan Raven. It is only a toy, yet on the off chance that you shoot it, it will begin snorting and shooting pellets until you leave the room.

No Fortifications
On a foe's back, his radio is appended to his belt. Assuming you shoot it and that foe sees you, he can't call for fortifications. Then you can just totally annihilate him yourself.

Kissing Stall
In the Big hauler leading group of MGS2 in the team quarter's corridor, there is a storage space. In side a portion of the storage spaces there are silly pictures. On the off chance that u put your self in that storage, take a gander at the image and press R1 (zoom in button) and keep it held, Snake kisses the image (yes there really is a kissing sound).

Blinding Your Foe
At the point when you come up to an adversary and point your firearm at him and express stick to him, assuming that you stroll before him and shower coolant in front of him, he will be dazed however he actually will call for fortifications.

Bugs in Proportions
In certain parts of the game you'll see little ocean parasites on the floor. Assuming you need to creep through the vermin they'll now and again get on your personality, and begin eating your proportions. On the off chance that you leave them there long enough you'll lose proportions - to dispose of them, open your thing select menu and immediately cycle through it, going this way and that past the apportions. The ocean parasite will be "shaken" off, saving your food.

Get Gun Ocelots Dogtag
After you are finished conversing with Ames in shell 1, he will say "speedy draw your AK" on the grounds that without an AK , the psychological oppressors realize you are an adversary. it will give you around ten seconds to take out your AK... what's more, Gun Ocelot will be gradually strolling toward you. Rather than drawing out the AK, take out your M9 (sedative) and shoot pistol Ocelot. Then, at that point, immediately run over and drag him and put him down, then his canine tage will drop out. Then get the canine tag and contact rose when humanly conceivable. To begin with, save your advancement then, at that point, return to the game. You will bomb the mission however when you click "proceed" and return to the game you should do the entirety "converse with Ames" thing once more yet you will in any case have the canine tag.

Vocabulary List

Metal Gear Solid 2 Cheats
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