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Yet Another Java Service Wrapper DiscussionWARNING - Do not modify any of the properties when an applicationusing this configuration file has been installed as a service or daemon.Please uninstall the service before modifying this file. Theservice must then be reinstalled.**********Java Executable Properties**********Java Applicationwrapper.java.command=javaor define conditions for YAJSW searching for a JVMcurrently only valid for windowswrapper.java.command.minVersion=1.5wrapper.java.command.maxVersion=1.6wrapper.java.command.jreOnly=truewrapper.java.command.jdkOnly=truewrapper.java.command.preferJre=truewrapper.java.command.preferJdk=truewrapper.java.command.javaw=truecopy java.exe to /java__nnnn.exewrapper.java.customProcName=**********working directory**********Java Main class.YAJSW: default is "org.rzo.yajsw.app.WrapperJVMMain"DO NOT SET THIS PROPERTY UNLESS YOU HAVE YOUR OWN IMPLEMENTATIONwrapper.java.mainclass=**********tmp folderyajsw creates temporary files named in_.. out_.. err_.. jna..per default these are placed in jna.tmpdir.jna.tmpdir is set in setenv batch file to /tmp********************Application main class or native executableOne of the following properties MUST be defined**********Java Application main classor jar filewrapper.java.app.jar=or groovy script filewrapper.groovy=or a native executablewrapper.image=**********Application process cpu priority and affinity**********Process priority: LOW, BELOW_NORMAL, NORMAL, ABOVE_NORMAL, HIGHwrapper.priorityCPU affinity of the process. this is a bit-array representing the cpuswrapper.affinity=**********Application AccountEquivalent to Posix sudo or windows runasNote Posix:\ (note: use \ in configuration file).If no group is configured default group of the user is used**********wrapper.app.account=wrapper.app.password=**********Java/Groovy Application Properties**********Java Classpath (include wrapper.jar) Add class path elements asneeded starting from 1YAJSW: all libs required by YAJSW are in the manifest of the wrapper.jar -> only classpath of your application is requiredwrapper.java.classpath.1=Java Library PathYAJSW: required dll are encapsulated in jar files -> only library path of your application requiredwrapper.java.library.path.1=../libJava Additional Parameterswrapper.java.additional.1=Initial Java Heap Size (in MB)alternative for wrapper.java.additional.=-Xmswrapper.java.initmemory=3% of total RAMwrapper.java.initmemory.relative=10Maximum Java Heap Size (in MB)alternative for wrapper.java.additional.=-Xmxwrapper.java.maxmemory=64% of total RAMwrapper.java.maxmemory.relative=30JSW requires that main class is set as app.parameter propertyYAJSW: to specify the main class please use wrapper.java.app.mainclass=**********Application environment properties.**********Adds an environment to the applicationwrapper.app.env.=**********Wrapper Logging Properties**********Format of output for the console. (See docs for formats)wrapper.console.format=PMLog Level for console output. (See docs for log levels)Log file to use for wrapper output logging.Format of output for the log file. (See docs for formats)wrapper.logfile.format=LPTMLog Level for log file output. (See docs for log levels)wrapper.logfile.loglevel=INFOMaximum size that the log file will be allowed to grow to beforethe log is rolled. Size is specified in bytes. The default valueof 0, disables log rolling by size. May abbreviate with the 'k' (kB) or'm' (mB) suffix. For example: 10m = 10 megabytes.If wrapper.logfile does not contain the string ROLLNUM it will be automatically added as suffix of the file nameMaximum number of rolled log files which will be allowed before oldfiles are deleted. The default value of 0 implies no limit.Controls the roll mode of the log filepossible values: DATE, WRAPPER, JVMIf DATE is set wrapper.logfile should contain the string YYYYMMDDIf DATE is set and wrapper.logfile.maxsize is set the log file will be rolled by size and dateIf DATE is set and wrapper.logfile.maxfiles older files rolled by size or date are deletedwrapper.logfile.rollmode=DATE**********Application Console Properties**********Indicate if console of the application is visible.wrapper.console.visible=falseTitle to use when running as a console**********Wrapper Windows Service and Posix Daemon Properties**********Name of the serviceDisplay name of the serviceDescription of the serviceService dependencies. Add dependencies as needed starting from 1wrapper.ntservice.dependency.1=Mode in which the service is installed. AUTO_START or DEMAND_STARTwrapper.ntservice.starttype=AUTO_STARTAllow the service to interact with the desktop.wrapper.ntservice.interactive=falsewrapper service user. only for windows. on *nix system this is root.see also wrapper.app.accountwrapper.ntservice.account=wrapper.ntservice.password=**********Wrapper Posix Daemon Properties**********Directory in which to create and execute daemon init scripts. Default: /etc/init.dwrapper.daemon.dir =Directory where to store the wrapper pid file. Default: /var/runwrapper.daemon.pid.dir =Directory in which to create K... and S... links.Default: /rcX.dFor Ubuntu set to /etc/rcX.dThe following grooy script should set it correctly for most distrosSetting the runlevels and priorities for automatic startup and stop of the daemon.Similar syntax as the update_rc.d commandDefault: equivalent to default of update_rc.dwrapper.daemon.update_rc = start 20 2 3 4 . start 30 5 . stop 80 0 1 6**********Wrapper System Tray Properties**********enable system trayTCP/IP port. If none is defined multicast discovery is used to find the portSet the port in case multicast is not possible.icon file to use, per default a console icon is usedwrapper.tray.icon=**********Exit Code PropertiesRestart on non zero exit code********************Trigger actions on console output**********On Exception show message in system tray**********Wrapper JMXconnect using for example jconsole per remote access using the urlservice:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:1099/servereventl. change port and server name**********Enable wrapper JMXwrapper.jmx = trueJMX RMI port. default is 1099wrapper.jmx.rmi.port =JMX RMI credentialsmandatory if accessing from remote serverwrapper.jmx.rmi.user =wrapper.jmx.rmi.password =**********Wrapper timeouts**********Number of seconds to allow between the time that the Wrapper starts the applicationand the application logon to the wrapper.Default: 30 secondswrapper.startup.timeout =Number of seconds to allow between the time that the Wrapper asks the application to shutdown and the time that the JVM shuts down.Default: 30 secondswrapper.shutdown.timeout =Number of seconds the wrapper waits for a ping message from the java application.If no heart beat is received within a timeout the wrapper assumes that the applicationis non responsive and will restart it.Default: 30 secondswrapper.ping.timeout =**********genConfig: further Properties generated by genConfig**********



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