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Mer­ck was hit hard by a vi­cious cy­ber­at­tack yes­ter­day. Here is what we know.Why this bou­tique biotech agency is the fu­ture of clin­i­cal re­cruit­mentM&A vibes amid earn­ings sea­son; CAR-T be­yond can­cer; Lil­ly dou­bles down on obe­si­ty; Two con­se­quen­tial FDA ap­provals; and moreAn­oth­er big Ver­tex chal­lenger suf­fers a TKO. And that will cause some prob­lems for the CF champFDA ad­vi­so­ry com­mit­tee votes against plan for broad use of prostate can­cer drugAm­gen bows out of PhI­Ib tri­als test­ing bis­pe­cif­ic, fu­sion pro­tein for lu­pusFed­er­al judge rules against Mod­er­na in vac­cine IP suitOt­su­ka and Lund­beck get FDA nod for schiz­o­phre­nia, bipo­lar dis­or­der in­jec­tionPre­scrip­tion re­fills help fu­el tele­health's stay­ing pow­er as pan­dem­ic wanesRoche, Pfiz­er and Gilead lead rep­u­ta­tion rank­ings by pa­tient groups in an­nu­al sur­vey



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