The Adventure of the Resident Patient這う男
The Adventure of the Creeping Manフランシス・カーファックス姫の失踪
The Disappearance of Lady Frances Carfax緑柱石の宝冠
The Adventure of the Beryl Coronetぶな屋敷
The Adventure of the Copper Beeches唇のねじれた男
The Man with the Twisted Lip背中の曲がった男
The Adventure of the Crooked Man踊る人形
The Adventure of the Dancing Men金縁の鼻眼鏡
The Adventure of the Golden Pince-Nez六つのナポレオン
The Adventure of the Six Napoleonsソア橋
The Problem of Thor Bridgeブラック・ピーター
The Adventure of Black Peterボスコム渓谷の惨劇
The Boscombe Valley Mysteryショスコム荘
The Adventure of Shoscombe Old Place三破風館
The Adventure of the Three Gables隠居絵具師
The Adventure of the Retired Colourman犯人は二人
The Adventure of Charles Augustus Milvertonサセックスの吸血鬼
The Adventure of the Sussex Vampire海軍条約文書事件
The Adventure of the Naval Treaty覆面の下宿人
The Adventure of the Veiled Lodger孤独な自転車乗り
The Adventure of the Solitary Cyclist高名な依頼人
The Adventure of the Illustrious Client僧坊荘園
The Adventure of the Abbey Grange悪魔の足
The Adventure of the Devil's Footスリークウォーター失踪
The Adventure of the Missing Three-Quarter黄色い顔
The Adventure of the Yellow Faceライゲートの大地主
The Adventure of the Reigate Squire三人の学生
The Adventure of the Three Students