Regions of Peruフニン県
Department of Junínロレート県
Department of Loretoアヤクーチョ県
Department of Ayacuchoイカ県
Department of Icaカヤオ特別郡
Constitutional Province of Callaoクスコ県
Department of Cuscoアプリマク県
Department of Apurímacワンカベリカ県
Department of Huancavelicaアマソナス県 (ペルー)
Amazonas (Peruvian department)アレキパ県
Department of Arequipaプーノ県
Department of Punoラ・リベルタ県 (ペルー)
Department of La Libertadパスコ県
Department of Pascoトゥンベス県
Department of Tumbesワヌコ県
Department of Huánucoランバイエケ県
Department of Lambayequeピウラ県
Department of Piuraカハマルカ県
Department of Cajamarcaモケグア県
Department of Moqueguaウカヤリ県
Department of Ucayaliタクナ県
Department of Tacnaサン・マルティン県
Department of San Martínマードレ・デ・ディオス県
Department of Madre de Diosアンカシュ県
Department of Ancashリマ県
Department of Lima